Vista Systemstart, keine LAN-Verbindung

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Vista Systemstart, keine LAN-Verbindung

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Vista startet und die LAN-Verbindung hat ein rotes Kreuz. Im lokalen Netzwerk funktioniert nichts. Laufwerke sind nicht verbunden. Internet geht aber. Im Taskmanager wird der Dienst LanmanServer als „startet“ angezeigt.



Vista starts/boots very slowly. May take 10-30 minutes to load.

January 28th, 2009

Vista starts/boots very slowly. May take 10-30 minutes to load. You may also notice that when you go into services, lanmanserver is stuck in “starting” mode. This might seem like a nightmare but it is pretty easy to fix.

1. Run Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
2. From the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree, go to the following key:
3. In the right window double click “DependOnService”
4. Add the following three items to the list (there are probably at least two items already, each item gets it’s own line).

5. From the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree, go to the following key:
6. Double click the DependOnService entry
7. You will see the item in the list called LanManWorkstation (may be the only item).
8. Change LanmanWorkstation to be LanmanServer (DO NOT JUST ADD IT TO THE LIST. THERE MUST NOT BE A LanManWorkstation IN THIS LIST)
9. Click OK and quit Registry Editor.
10. Restart Windows Vista.



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